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How to work with events?

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How to work with events?

Events are the easiest way to track upcoming events for your yearbook team. Staff members are able to assign themselves online. They can be used for all kinds of things like tracking photo assignments.

With the event permissions you can edit the event categories. They are needed when creating events. Click on „Events“, then on „Categories“ to manage them. If this option is not available for you, ask your advisor to create any missing category for you.

Simply add a category by giving it a name. Done.

Use the green plus sign to add an event. This is only a shortcut. You can always click on „Create event“ to get there. This option is available for all users.

Select the date, the time and give a title to the event.

On the right side you can assign staff members, mainly yourself, to the event. Also you can define how many staff members need to sign up at least or at the maximum. You may not have the permission to assign other staff members.

Click on the pencil icon next to an event to edit it directly. It looks very similar to the event creation dialog, but it says „Update event“. Here you can also delete the event if it is no longer needed. You need the event permission to take this action.

In order to assign yourself to an event, click the green plus sign if available. If the maximum has reached or the event passed you are not able to add yourself.

Likewise you cannot remove yourself if there are not enough other staff members assigned. To remove yourself, just click the red minus icon. Your advisor can remove you from an event anytime though. You may need to ask him or her to do it for you.

Hover over the icon to view the requirements. If an event is highlighted red, it is coming up shortly and not enough people are assigned. Events you are signed up for are highlighted in green.

To view all events click the „Show all“ at the end of the list. At the top you will find a link to view all past events.

Events are nicely grouped by month and day. You get a notice if no event is sheduled for the current day.

We are sending out reminders for events. You can change your preferences in your settings.

You can enable notifications via text to your cell phone, but this option is only available if the quota has not been exceeded and your team is on Premium. But you can always receive event reminders via email.

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