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How to work with pages?

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How to work with pages?

You can add pages by clicking on „Add page“ on the page tab anytime.

Please select the page number you want to add. You can also provide a range like „8-9“. The default value is the next page number missing. If you select the option to override existing pages, it will not check against previously created ones.

Next, please enter the name of the page and choose a deadline. Like with events you are able to assign staff members to pages. Just select yourself or others, if you have the permission to do so.

Edit pages by clicking the pencil icon. The dialog looks very similar to the creation dialog, except with the options to update and delete a page.

You can also assign and remove yourself from pages by clicking the green plus or red minus respectively.

To view all people indexed to a page, just click on the page number or name. You can also view the editor profile by clicking on the editor name.

When the indexing of the page has finished you can highlight the page as complete. Just click on the target icon.

Then the page will show up in the deadline overview as complete. Click on a deadline to view the current status with all open pages and staff members assigned to them.

Pages are usually displayed grouped by the same name. You can list every single page by clicking on „Single Pages“.

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