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How does Indexing work?

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How does Indexing work?

We call indexing the process of adding people to a pages they are on. With the push of a button you will be able to create the yearbook index later on.

So let's get started!

Having the „people“ permission, you can add people by hand. Just type in the first and last name with the grade or group they are in and submit the form.

But there is an easier way. You can upload .csv files directly and we handle the rest automatically. We recognize the content of your file and batch import the people all at once. We assist our premium customers during this process in case there are any issues converting the file.

Click on „Batch import“, select the file and upload it. You should be done if no error occurs. We are continuously improving our powerful import tool.

Next click on „People“ to see the imported people.

Here is how Indexing works on Yearbookadmin. First you need to create the page you want to index for. We recommend to assign yourself to pages you are working on. We assume you have already done that. Watch our previous video to learn more about this.

The upper fields are for filtering the list of people. Below is a dropdown to select the page you are indexing for.

You need to do nothing else than to click the green plus next to people to index them. Remove them by clicking the red minus. Notice the tooltips explaining what a click will do.

Using the advanced filtering capabilites is where the fun begins. You can search by name for example. We are always searching for similar sounding names, but highlight exact matches. This is very helpful if you don't know the correct spelling of a name.

You can also filter by grade, by a page or a range of pages the person is already indexed to and by how often somebody is already indexed. Use multiple filters together to work even more efficient.

Sort the results by times indexed, grade or name. Clicking twice switches beween ascending and descending order .

When you sort by times indexed in the first column, you get those least often in the yearbook listed first. This way you can balance out how many times people get into the yearbook and everyone is indexed somewhere later on.

A messages displays in words what the currently applied filter does.

You might be wondering what the colorful bars mean? They visually represent the distribution of indexed people, color coded by how many times they are indexed in the hole yearbook. Hover over each color to learn more.

For example: Green means some people on the current page are indexed 2-3 times in the yearbook. The distribution is also shown on the page tab.

Click on a name of person to view the pages the person is indexed on. From there you can jump to another page and view who is indexed there and so on. Just click around and see what you can do.

Finally let's generate the full index. There has been not much indexing in this demo yearbook, but this is only to demonstrate how to do things.

Click on „Generate Index“ and open the file. You can copy and paste the contents to your favorite editing software to include it into your yearbook.

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