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How to create a new yearbook team?

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How to create a new yearbook team?

If you are new to Yearbookadmin please create your personal account first. When logged in you can add as many yearbook teams as you like. There is no need to create separate accounts every year. I am going to show you how to do that just in a second.

In order to create your personal account, please click on „Create a new team“ in the header of our landing page. Please enter you name, email and choose a strong password for your account and proceed by accepting our terms and submitting the form.

We will send you a confirmation link to your email. Please click on the activation link in the email to proceed.

In case you already have an existing Yearbookadmin account, please sign in and click on „Switch yearbook“ in the upper dark header bar. Then click on „Create new yearbook“.

In both cases you are now able to create your new yearbook team. It's free and you can create and join as many teams as you like. Please don't hesitate to create teams for any purpose useful for you and your team.

There are help texts available for all the fields. Just hover over the info sign next to the name.

Please provide the name and edition of the yearbook you want to work on. This can be changed later so don't worry too much about it.

The yearbook ID will be used in the URL and when others are joining your yearbook team. Please choose anything you like. For example your school or yearbook name with the year or edition combined to make it unique.

If you want other team members to join your team with a password, please select the appropriate checkbox and choose a strong password. This is NOT your account password and must be completely different. Please write down the ID and password for your yearbook, so you can hand it over to other team members later on. Individual invitations are also available.

In case you do have a valid voucher for Premium access you can provide it here for an immediate upgrade of your team subscription. If you have no voucher, your free trail membership begins. You can buy one anytime later.

Please select the timezone you are in and provide the name, address and website URL of your school or organization.

When you are ready press "Finish setup & open new yearbook" to complete the process.

Next you will be asked to create event categories. They are needed for others to create events. Examples are Boys Tennis, Football or Assemblies. If you have no categories please add at least one placeholder like Meeting.

Please watch our video about events and other tutorials to learn more about all the features we are offering for you.

You can find the ID and password for other team members to join your team any time later in the settings. Click on „settings“ in the dark header bar and scroll down to your yearbook settings.

One last thing. You can change the theming of Yearbookadmin to match your school colors. Just select the color you like and save the changes.

Thank you for using Yearbookadmin and welcome on board! We hope you are enjoining our service.

Remember: You can switch between multiple yearbooks anytime by clicking on "Switch yearbook" in the dark header bar. If you want to add another yearbook later or next year, you can reuse your existing account.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are supporting you as much as we can.

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