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How to join your yearbook team?

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How to join your yearbook team?

If you are new to Yearbookadmin please create and activate your personal account. Then you can add as many yearbooks to your account as you like.

In order to create your personal account, please click on „Join your team“ in the header of our landing page. Please enter you name, email and choose a strong password for your account and proceed by accepting our terms and submitting the form.

We will send you a confirmation link to your email. Please click on the activation link in the email to proceed.

In case you already have an existing Yearbookadmin account, please sign in and click on „Switch yearbook“ in the upper dark header bar. Then click on „Join existing yearbook“.

In both cases you are now able to join your yearbook team by providing the ID and password of the yearbook. Please ask your advisor for these details.

Other team members with the necessary privileges can also send out invitations via email. Just accept the invitation by clicking on the link provided in the email and sign in to your account.

Congratulations. You have successfully joined your yearbook team!

Please let me show you around Yearbookadmin to get familiar with our service. There are more dedicated tutorials for each area of the site through.

First click on events to create and assign yourself to events. These are usually photo assignments of your yearbook team. Just click on the green plus sign in order to assign yourself to an existing event. If you need to create another event just click on „Create event“ to do so. Please watch our video about events to learn more.

Now it's time to add the pages you are assigned to. If you are not assigned to pages yet you can do this step any time later. Select the page number or range and type in the page title. Then select the deadline, who is assigned to this page and finish the creation.

Please click on „Start“ to view your personal start page with upcoming events and assigned pages.

We also highly recommend to update your profile. Please click on „Settings“ in the dark header bar and provide your phone number and team position to enable other team members to reach out to you easily.

Save the changes and click on „Staff“. Here you find all current staff members of your yearbook team. Please invite others who are still missing.

In the people tab you will be able to index people to pages once the student list is imported to the site and the pages have been created. We will cover this another time.

If you need to switch between multiple yearbooks just click on „Switch yearbook“ in the dark header bar. You can create and join as many yearbook teams as you like.

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